Looking for great ideas for your baby keepsake box?
Here at The Cuddle Box all our products come in an exquisite baby keepsake box .For you to keep all your special memories after your baby has enjoyed all the gifts that are enclosed. We have come up with some suggestions to help you decide what you would like to keep in your Cuddle box.
Here are some cute ideas of what to keep from the hospital
- Baby’s first baby grow she wore when she was born
- Her name band from the Hospital
- Her little scratch mittens
- Her cute little hat
- The helium balloon you received in hospital
- Her first baby blanket
- Her first pair of socks
- Her leaving hospital outfit :- Pretty dress ,trouser suit
- Photo of her as a newborn
- Greeting cards congratulating you on her birth
Special Things
Keep items that are important to you. Memories that made you smile .Treasure the pride you felt when she received her first certificate.
- Her scan photos
- A photograph of her in your tummy
- Your daughters health records in the little red book :- this tracks their first words, first steps
- First Teddy bear
- Pictures of great Nan/Granddad
- Her first paintings
- A photograph on her first day of nursery
- First swimming certificate
How about keeping some memorabilia from the year she was born
When she gets older she will be fascinated by things we take for granted. So keep a little Fun history of the year she was born .You will be amazed how many things have changed once she becomes an adult.
- Newspaper of the day she was born
- A copy of the song that was number 1
- An Argos catalogue is a great way to show what things were on trend
- Write down a few facts like the average price of a house or the Prime Ministers name
An annual letter is a great idea
Another item you could place in your baby keepsake box would be to an annual letter. Write a letter to your baby before she is born telling her how mum and dad have prepared for her arrival. Like which colour you painted the nursery, which little outfits you have brought for her, what names you have chosen for a girl and a boy.
Write her a letter every year on her birthday including things you have done throughout the year as a family. Any milestones she has reached, any funny things she has said or done, what she got for her 1st Christmas and her 1st Birthday include some photos of her opening her presents.
Pictures of where you went on holiday as a family. Family members you may have lost and new arrivals including your favorite pets. Any significant events that have occurred through out the year. Also let her know how much you love her. You don’t need to tell her you have done these letters just wrap them up and place them in her baby keepsake box.
Give her the keepsake box full of memories when she turns 18, knowing she is ready to take the next steps to her future.